![]() | Nel 1985, mentre in discoteca imperversava il techno-pop, un giovane Olandese andava fino a Buenos Aires alla ricerca del tango Argentino. |
Nel 1985, mentre nelle discoteche di tutto il mondo imperversava il techno-pop, un giovane Olandese andava fino a Buenos Aires alla ricerca del tango Argentino.
Tre anni dopo Wouter Brave portava in Europa, per primo, un grande maestro di tango di Buenos Aires: Antonio Todaro.
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Indice della trasmissione: | ![]() |
- Presentazione del nostro ospite Wouter Brave (italiano)
- Presentazione del nostro ospite Wouter Brave (inglese)
- Chi è Wouter Brave (italiano)
- Chi è Wouter Brave (inglese)
- Il nostro incontro con Wouter ed il suo ruolo nel tango degli esordi in Europa
- Wouter Brave: i miei esordi con il tango (inglese)
- Gli esordi di Wouter con il tango (traduz.italiano)
- Wouter Brave: l’incontro con Alexandra Prusa e David nel 1983 (inglese)
- L’incontro di Wouter con Alexandra Prusa e David nel 1983 (traduz.italiano)
- Chi è Alexandra Prusa (inglese)
- L’inizio di Wouter e Martine come performer di tango
- Wouter Brave: Boulevard of broken dreams e l’inizio della fama di Wouter (inglese)
- Armando Pontier: Derecho viejo
- Boulevard of broken dreams e l’inizio della fama di Wouter (traduz.italiano)
- Wouter Brave: il primo viaggio a Buenos Aires nel 1985 e le lezioni con Antonio Todaro (inglese)
- Il primo viaggio di Wouter a Buenos Aires e Antonio Todaro (traduz.italiano)
- Chi è Antonio Todaro (inglese)
- Wouter Brave: Le prime esperienze in milonga (inglese)
- Lisandro Adrover: Arrabal
- Le prime esperienze di Wouter in milonga (traduz.italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Quali erano le strutture del tango (inglese)
- Quali erano le strutture del tango (traduz.italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Quando a Buenos Aires ti rubano tutti i soldi (inglese)
- Quando a Buenos Aires ti rubano tutti i soldi (traduz.italiano)
- Wouter Brave: L’incontro con Zotto e Milena Plebs (inglese)
- L’incontro con Zotto e Milena Plebs (traduz.italiano)
- Wouter Brave: le serate da Roberto Grassi e Juan Lange (inglese)
- Anibal Troilo: Uno
- Le serate da Roberto Grassi e Juan Lange (traduz.italiano)
- Chi è Roberto Grassi (inglese)
- Chi erano i giovani nelle milonghe di Buenos Aires (italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Le prime lezioni di Wouter in Olanda, Lalo e Mirta (inglese)
- Le prime lezioni di Wouter in Olanda (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Lo stile di tango insegnato da Todaro agli inizi (inglese)
- Lo stile di tango insegnato da Todaro (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Le prime serate di tango al Roxy di Amsterdam (inglese)
- Le prime serate di tango al Roxy (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Boulevard of broken dreams e la diffusione del tango in Olanda (inglese)
- Alfredo de Angelis: 9 de Julio
- La diffusione del tango in Olanda (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Antonio Todaro in Europa nel 1988 (inglese)
- Antonio Todaro in Europa (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: I viaggi a Buenos Aires dopo il 1985 (inglese)
- I viaggi a Buenos Aires dopo il 1985 (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: L’incontro con Pepito Avellaneda (inglese)
- L’incontro con Pepito Avellaneda (traduz. Italiano)
- Lidia Borda: De mi barrio
- Wouter Brave: Luoghi oscuri a Buenos Aires (inglese)
- Luoghi oscuri a Buenos Aires (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Gustavo Naveira e l’arrivo dei giovani in milonga (inglese)
- Il look anacronistico di Wouter in abito gessato (Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Le milonghe di Buenos Aires, mirada e cabeceo (inglese)
- Le milonghe di Buenos Aires, mirada e cabeceo (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Abbigliamento ed ENERGIZZANTI in milonga (inglese)
- Abbigliamento ed ENERGIZZANTI in milonga (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Il film-documentario EL ABRAZO nel 1989 (inglese)
- Il film-documentario EL ABRAZO nel 1989 (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Virulazo, Pugliese e Piazzolla al Roxy di Amsterdam (inglese)
- Astor Piazzolla: Escualo
- Virulazo, Pugliese e Piazzolla al Roxy di Amsterdam (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Charlie Heaven in TANGODROME e Horacio Ferrer (inglese)
- La collaborazione con Horacio Ferrer (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Estudios de baile moderno-Todaro e Raúl Bravo (inglese)
- Estudios de baile moderno-Todaro e Raúl Bravo (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: L'arrivo dello spettacolo Tango Argentino (inglese)
- La consapevolezza della differenza fra tango show e tango salòn (italiano)
- Wouter Brave: La sorprendente durata della moda del tango (inglese)
- Wouter Brave: Il tango che mi piace (inglese)
- Il tango che piace a Wouter (traduz. Italiano)
- Wouter Brave: Il tango è un modo per festeggiare la vita (inglese)
- Finale

Wouter Brave, the Dutch pioneer of tango
In 1985, in Europe, if you talked about tango you were probably talking about ballroom or the music of Piazzolla. Actually, though, a brand new interest for the Argentinean dance was beginning to raise in the world. The film "Tangos: el exilio de Gardel" by Solanas had great success and the show "Tango Argentino" by Orezzoli-Segovia was a big hit in Paris and in Broadway. Those successes were going to lift the veil on the tango art fallen into oblivion for more than thirty years.
In the mid-eighties in Europe some pioneers from Holland, Germany and Switzerland were already paving the way to the glorious return of tango-dancing and its outbreak in the nineties.
One of those pioneers was Wouter Brave: a professional dancer dedicated to contemporary dance since the late seventies. By means of another German pioneer, Wouter in 1983 gets in contact with argentine tango: he gets very fond of this dance and in 1985 decides to leave to Buenos Aires looking for a teacher.
In Buenos Aires Wouter knows Antonio Todaro: he takes lesson from him for some years, and in 1988 he convinces Todaro to come to Europe. From then on, Todaro will become one of the fundamental teachers of the first modern generation of tango dancers, not only in Buenos Aires but also in Holland, Germany, Belgium and the rest of Europe.
Together with his partner Martine Berghuijs, in 1989 Wouter Brave starred in the film "El Abrazo" made in Buenos Aires by the Dutch filmmaker Jan van den Berg. In this film you can see Todaro as well as other legends of tango like Virulazo and Petroleo, and the young promises Zotto and Aquino.
We interviewed Wouter on February in his beautiful house in the Dutch countryside, and in this radio show we share with you his memories and some curio.
In the interview Wouter speaks in English language.
In the mid-eighties in Europe some pioneers from Holland, Germany and Switzerland were already paving the way to the glorious return of tango-dancing and its outbreak in the nineties.
One of those pioneers was Wouter Brave: a professional dancer dedicated to contemporary dance since the late seventies. By means of another German pioneer, Wouter in 1983 gets in contact with argentine tango: he gets very fond of this dance and in 1985 decides to leave to Buenos Aires looking for a teacher.
In Buenos Aires Wouter knows Antonio Todaro: he takes lesson from him for some years, and in 1988 he convinces Todaro to come to Europe. From then on, Todaro will become one of the fundamental teachers of the first modern generation of tango dancers, not only in Buenos Aires but also in Holland, Germany, Belgium and the rest of Europe.
Together with his partner Martine Berghuijs, in 1989 Wouter Brave starred in the film "El Abrazo" made in Buenos Aires by the Dutch filmmaker Jan van den Berg. In this film you can see Todaro as well as other legends of tango like Virulazo and Petroleo, and the young promises Zotto and Aquino.
We interviewed Wouter on February in his beautiful house in the Dutch countryside, and in this radio show we share with you his memories and some curio.
In the interview Wouter speaks in English language.
Index: | ![]() |
- Introducing our guest Wouter Brave (Italian)
- Introducing our guest Wouter Brave (English)
- Who is Wouter Brave (Italian)
- Who is Wouter Brave (English)
- Our meeting with Wouter and his role in tango at its beginnings in Europe (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: my beginnings with tango (English)
- The beginnings of Wouter with tango (italian)
- Wouter Brave: the meeting with Alexandra Prusa and David in 1983 (English)
- Wouter's meeting with Alexandra Prusa and David in 1983 (italian)
- Who is Alexandra Prusa (English)
- The beginnings of Wouter and Martine as a tango performers
- Wouter Brave: Boulevard of broken dreams and the beginning of Wouter’s fame (english)
- Armando Pontier: Derecho viejo
- Boulevard of broken dreams and the beginning of Wouter’s fame (italian)
- Wouter Brave: the first trip to Buenos Aires in 1985 and lessons with Antonio Todaro (English)
- Wouter's first trip to Buenos Aires and Antonio Todaro (italian)
- Who is Antonio Todaro (english)
- Wouter Brave: first experiences in milonga (english)
- Lisandro Adrover: Arrabal
- Wouter's first experiences in milonga (italian)
- Wouter Brave: Which were the tango structures in the late 80s (english)
- Tango structures (italian)
- Wouter Brave: When they steal all your money in Buenos Aires (English)
- When they steal all your money in Buenos Aires (italian)
- Wouter Brave: The meeting with Zotto and Milena Plebs (English)
- The meeting with Zotto and Milena Plebs (italian)
- Wouter Brave: the nights at Roberto Grassi’s place and Juan Lange (english)
- Anibal Troilo: Uno
- Nights at Roberto Grassi’s place and Juan Lange (italian)
- Who is Roberto Grassi (english)
- Young people in the milongas of Buenos Aires (italian)
- Wouter Brave: Wouter's first lessons in Holland, Lalo and Mirta (English)
- Wouter's first lessons in the Netherlands (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The tango style taught by Todaro at the beginning (English)
- The tango style taught by Todaro (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The first tango nights at Roxy in Amsterdam (English)
- The first tango nights at Roxy (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Boulevard of broken dreams and the spread of tango in the Netherlands (English)
- Alfredo de Angelis: 9 de Julio
- The spread of tango in the Netherlands (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Antonio Todaro in Europe in 1988 (English)
- Antonio Todaro in Europe (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Travels to Buenos Aires after 1985 (English)
- Travels to Buenos Aires after 1985 (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The meeting with Pepito Avellaneda (English)
- The meeting with Pepito Avellaneda (Italian)
- Lidia Borda: De mi barrio
- Wouter Brave: Obscure Places in Buenos Aires (English)
- Obscure places in Buenos Aires (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Gustavo Naveira and the arrival of young people in milonga (English)
- Wouter's anachronistic look in pinstripe suit (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The milongas of Buenos Aires, mirada and cabeceo (English)
- The milongas of Buenos Aires, mirada and cabeceo (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Clothing and ENERGIZING in milonga (english)
- Clothing and ENERGIZING in milonga (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The documentary film EL ABRAZO in 1989 (English)
- The documentary film EL ABRAZO in 1989 (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Virulazo, Pugliese and Piazzolla at the Roxy in Amsterdam (English)
- Astor Piazzolla: Escualo
- Virulazo, Pugliese and Piazzolla at the Roxy in Amsterdam (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Charlie Heaven in TANGODROME and Horacio Ferrer (English)
- The collaboration with Horacio Ferrer (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Estudios de baile moderno-Todaro and Raúl Bravo (English)
- Estudios de baile moderno - Todaro and Raúl Bravo (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The arrival of the Tango Argentino show (English)
- The awareness of the difference between tango show and tango salòn (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: The surprising tango fashion lasting so many years (English)
- Wouter Brave: The tango I like (English)
- The tango that Wouter likes (Italian)
- Wouter Brave: Tango is a way to celebrate life (English)
- End titles
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